To find our location you can search it by using the postal address or the coordinates that are detailed next. You can also query the interactive map to find the route to reach us from the place you want.
Coordinates (latitude, longitude): 42.98381108189313, -2.5708769967117178.
Postal Address: Diseminados Barreiatua 20, Leintz-Gatzaga, 20530, Guipúzcoa
From Vitoria: take N-240 road to Durango/Bilbao. Then go through the A-627 to Bergara. Finally, take the GI-627 exit to Leintz-Gatzaga.
From San Sebastián: take the highway A8 (E5), E(70), E(80) to Bergara. Finally take the GI-627 exit to Leintz-Gatzaga.
From Bilbao: take the highway A8-A68. When you reach Murgia, turn to N-622 road to Vitoria.